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Analysis of the status quo of China’s CTP plate industry

Since 2012,  CTP plates have accounted for more than half of the offset printing plates in our country, and have shown an upward trend year by year. According to the output calculation: the output of offset printing plates in 2021 will be 523.6 million square meters, of which the output of CTP plates will reach 49,980 10,000 square meters, my country’s CTP plate accounts for 95.45% of the offset printing plates.

In 2005, the domestic CTP plate products entered the trial production stage one after another, but the products at that time were very immature, and more than 98% of the domestic market was still dominated by the traditional PS plate. Since 2007, mature domestic CTP products have been introduced to the market and gradually accepted by printing companies, breaking the monopoly of domestic CTP plates dominated by world-renowned brands, and domestic small and medium-sized plate factories have begun to transform from traditional PS plates to CTP plates. , The domestic CTP plate also opened a road of rapid development. After more than ten years of hard work, the relevant technology of my country’s CTP plate industry has reached a relatively complete level. CTP plates have gradually replaced the higher-cost PS plates and become the mainstream of printing industry applications.

In 2021, my country’s CTP plate output will be 499.8 million square meters, the import volume will be 3.193 million square meters in the same period, and the export volume will be 162.236 million square meters. my country’s CTP plate demand will be 340.757 million square meters.

From 2018 to 2021, the growth rate of domestic CTP plate industry demand shows a slowdown. In 2021, the sales revenue of my country’s CTP plate industry is 8.981 billion yuan, and the domestic CTP plate industry market size is 5.846 billion yuan.

At present, the CTP plates produced locally in my country not only meet the growing domestic demand but also have a large number of exports. In recent years, the proportion of my country’s CTP plate exports to sales revenue has remained at around 30%-35%. In 2021, my country’s CTP plate exports will amount to 3.229 billion yuan, accounting for 35.95% of sales revenue.

As far as the CTP plate market segment is concerned, the CTP plates produced in my country include thermal type, photosensitive type (including violet laser and UVCTP), inkjet type, and other types, which have been recognized by different consumer groups. In 2021, the market size of my country’s CTP plate industry is 5.846 billion yuan, of which, thermal CTP plates are 3.734 billion yuan; UV-CTP plates are 415 million yuan; photosensitive CTP plates are 1.548 billion yuan, and treatment-free CTP plates are 149 million yuan. Thermal plates are the main products that dominate the entire offset printing market in the current printing market. In 2021, my country’s thermal CTP plate market will account for 63.87%.

At present, with my country’s “dual carbon” goal, environmental protection requirements such as energy conservation and emission reduction are becoming more and more stringent, and the demand for green CTP plates is increasing. At the same time, environmental protection policies are also increasingly demanding for CTP plate manufacturers. high. Accelerating the development of green environmental protection plates and the technological transformation and upgrading of polluting plate technology, and promoting the green development process of the industry are the main development trends in the field of printing plates.

Post time: Nov-02-2022